
Monday, December 26, 2011

Welcome - The Inaugural Post

Hi and welcome to the Reviews of Old News blog. I'll be periodically posting reviews of books about history which I have recently read.

Why do this blog? Fair question. I like to read. A lot. And when I read, it's non-fiction books about something historical in nature. While I enjoy learning about new people and things, there are also many times I find myself standing in a bookstore or library or perusing books online, wondering "Should I buy this book? Is it worth my time?" I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has ever had that moment of pause. If so, I'd like to let my reading experience help you. Plus, it also gives me a good outlet to discuss what I've read.

Fair warning: I readily acknowledge that I have biases. Really, we all do, whether we realize it or not. I will try to point out any personal or environmental biases that may color my review (provided, of course, that I recognize them). And I'll also do the same about the book's author, if bias is readily apparent. Additionally, I will try not to lean too much toward any particular time period or author, although I am starting to see from my collection, that I apparently do favor World War II a little bit. See, we all have biases... :)

If you have any feedback about this site, questions about a book I've reviewed, or would like to request a review of a specific book, please use the Feedback tab above.

Thanks for visiting and please come again! Now, on with the show...

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